1 Corinthians
Chapter 7

1 About what you wrote to me: It’s good for a man not to be with a woman.
2 To avoid wrong sexual acts, every man should have a wife and every woman should have a husband.
3 The husband should be kind to his wife, and the wife should be kind to her husband.
4 A wife does not control her own body, but her husband does; and in the same way, a husband does not control his own body, but his wife does.
5 Do not cheat each other, unless you both agree to stop having sex for a while to focus on fasting and praying. Then come back together so that Satan won’t tempt you because you can’t control yourselves.
6 I say this as a suggestion, not as an order.
7 I wish that all people were just as I am. But each person has their own special gift from God, one in this way, and another in that way.
8 I tell unmarried people and widows that it’s good for them to stay single, like I am.
9 If they can’t control themselves, they should get married, because it’s better to marry than to have strong desires.
10 To the married, I give this order (not me, but God): A wife should not leave her husband.
11 If she leaves, she should stay single or get back with her husband; and the husband shouldn’t divorce his wife.
12 I say this, not God: If a man has a wife who does not believe, but she agrees to live with him, he should not leave her.
13 If a woman has a husband who does not believe, but he wants to live with her, she should not leave him.
14 The husband who does not believe is made holy through his wife, and the wife who does not believe is made holy through her husband; otherwise your children would be impure, but now they are holy.
15 If someone does not believe and wants to leave, let them leave. A brother or sister is not bound in such situations: God wants us to live in peace.
16 Wife, how do you know if you can save your husband? Or husband, how do you know if you can save your wife?
17 But as God has given to each person, as God has called each one, let them live that way. This is what I instruct in all churches.
18 If a man is already circumcised when he is called, he should not try to reverse it. If he is uncircumcised when called, he should not get circumcised.
19 Circumcision doesn’t matter, and not being circumcised doesn’t matter, but obeying God’s commands does matter.
20 Everyone should remain in the life situation they were in when God called them.
21 Are you called while a servant? Don’t worry about it: but if you can become free, choose that instead.
22 When someone serves and follows God, they become free, and a person who is free but follows Christ becomes His servant.
23 You were bought at a price; do not become slaves to people.
24 Friends, stay as you are when God calls you.
25 About unmarried women, I don’t have a direct order from God, but I offer my opinion as someone who God has shown kindness to be trustworthy.
26 I believe that, given our current troubles, it is good for a person to stay as they are.
27 Are you married? Don’t try to get a divorce. Are you divorced? Don’t look for a wife.
28 If you get married, you haven’t sinned; and if an unmarried woman gets married, she hasn’t sinned. However, they will have problems in life. But I want to spare you this.
29 I tell you, friends, time is running out. It’s important that those with wives should live as if they had none.
30 People who cry should act as if they’re not crying; those who are happy should act as if they’re not happy; and those who buy things should act as if they don’t own them.
31 People should use this world without misusing it, because this world’s way will disappear.
32 I want you to be free from worries. A single person cares about how to please God.
33 But a married person cares about worldly things, how to make their spouse happy.
34 A wife and a virgin are different. The single woman cares about God’s work, to be pure in body and spirit, but the married woman cares about worldly things, to please her husband.
35 I say this for your benefit, not to trap you, but to promote what is proper, and so you can focus on God without distraction.
36 If a man believes he is acting improperly towards his fiancée, if she is past her prime age and it is necessary, he can do as he chooses, he does not sin: they should get married.
37 The person who is firm in their decision, not forced but in control of their desire, and decides to stay unmarried, does well.
38 So the person who helps her get married does good, but the person who does not help her get married does better.
39 The wife must follow the law while her husband is alive; but if her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wants, as long as it is with a believer.
40 But she is happier if she stays as she is, in my opinion, and I believe I have God’s Spirit.