Chapter 7

1 My son, remember my words and keep my instructions close to you.
2 Follow my commands and have life; treat my teachings as precious as your own eyes.
3 Tie them to your fingers, write them on your heart.
4 Tell wisdom, “You are my sister,” and consider understanding like a close relative.
5 To help you stay away from the foreign woman, the one who uses sweet words to seduce.
6 From my house window, I looked out through the frame.
7 I saw among the naive, I noticed among the young men, a young man lacking sense.
8 Walking down the street near her corner; he took the path to her house.
9 In the dim light, in the evening, in the very dark night:
10 Look, a woman came to meet him, dressed like a prostitute and with a sneaky heart.
11 She is noisy and defiant; she doesn’t stay at home.
12 She is outside, now in the streets, and hides, waiting at every corner.
13 She grabbed him, kissed him, and with a bold face said to him,
14 I bring peace offerings; today I have kept my promises.
15 So, I came out to meet you, to look for you eagerly, and I found you.
16 I have decorated my bed with patterned covers, with artistic designs, with high-quality Egyptian linen.
17 I have made my bed smell nice with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.
18 Let’s enjoy love until morning; let’s comfort ourselves with loving.
19 The good man is not at home; he has gone on a long trip.
20 He has taken a bag of money and will return on the set day.
21 With her smooth talk she persuaded him, with her sweet words she led him on.
22 He follows her at once, like an ox going to be killed, or like a fool walking into punishment in the stocks.
23 Until an arrow pierces his liver; like a bird rushing into a trap, not knowing it will cost its life.
24 Listen to me now, children, and pay attention to what I say.
25 Do not let your heart turn to her ways; do not wander on her paths.
26 She has made many people hurt; even strong men have been killed by her.
27 Her house is the path to destruction, leading down to the rooms of death.