Chapter 48

1 Listen to this, you people of Jacob, named after Israel, who came from Judah’s line, who swear by God’s name and name the God of Israel, but not honestly or rightly.
2 They say they belong to the holy city and rely on the God of Israel; God of the heavenly armies is his name.
3 I told about the past from the start; they came from my mouth, I showed them; I acted quickly, and they happened.
4 Because I knew you are stubborn, your neck is strong like iron, and your forehead like brass.
5 From the start, I told you what would happen; I showed you before it happened so you wouldn’t claim your idol or carved or cast image made it happen.
6 You have heard, now you see all of this; won’t you tell it? I have shown you new things from now on, even secrets you did not know.
7 They were made just now, not long ago; before today, you did not hear them, so you can’t say, “Look, I knew about them.”
8 Yes, you did not hear; yes, you did not know; yes, since your ear was not open: because I knew you would be very unfaithful, and you were named a rule-breaker from birth.
9 For my reputation, I will hold back my anger, and for my honor, I will stop myself for your sake so I don’t destroy you.
10 Look, I have made you pure but not like silver; I have picked you in the hard times.
11 For my own sake, yes, for my own sake, I will act: why should my name be dishonored? I will not give my glory to anyone else.
12 Listen to me, Jacob and Israel, whom I have called; I am the one; I am the first, and I am also the last.
13 My hand has set the earth’s foundation, and my right hand spread out the skies: when I call them, they rise up at once.
14 Everyone, come together and listen; who among them has announced these events? God loves him; he will fulfill his wishes on Babylon, and his power will be against the Chaldeans.
15 I, yes I, have spoken; I have called him: I have brought him, and he will succeed on his path.
16 Come close to me, listen to this: I have not spoken in secret from the start; I have been there since it began, and now God and his Spirit have sent me.
17 God says, “I am your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the Lord your God who teaches you to succeed and guides you on the right path.”
18 If only you had listened to my commands! Then your peace would be like a river, and your goodness like the sea’s waves.
19 Your descendants would have been as many as the sand, and the children born to you like its pebbles; their name would not have been erased or wiped out in my presence.
20 Leave Babylon, run away from the Chaldeans, sing out loud and announce, share the news everywhere on earth; say, God has saved his servant Jacob.
21 They were not thirsty when God guided them through the deserts; he made water flow from the rock for them; he split the rock, and water poured out.
22 God says there is no peace for the wicked.