Chapter 30

1 Moses told the leaders of the tribes about the children of Israel, saying, “This is what God has commanded.”
2 If a person makes a promise to God, or takes an oath to commit themselves firmly, they must not go back on their word. They must do everything they said they would.
3 If a young woman makes a promise to God while she is living at her father’s home, and commits herself by that promise;
4 If her father hears her promise or the obligation she has made for herself, and he says nothing, then all her promises and obligations will remain valid.
5 But if her father forbids her when he hears about it, none of her promises or commitments will count. God will forgive her because her father forbade her.
6 If she had a husband when she made a vow or said anything to bind herself by a promise;
7 If her husband hears her vow and says nothing to her about it, then her vows and the pledge by which she obligated herself will stand.
8 If her husband says no on the day he learns about it, her promise and the words she spoke that committed her will not stand. God will forgive her.
9 Every promise a widow or a divorced woman makes, binding herself, must be kept by her.
10 If she made a promise in her husband’s home, or committed herself with a sworn agreement;
11 When her husband heard it and said nothing to her and did not forbid her, then all her promises will count, and every agreement by which she committed herself will count.
12 But if her husband canceled them on the day he learned about them; then whatever promises she made, or any pledge, will not be valid: her husband has canceled them; and God will forgive her.
13 Every promise and every serious oath to deny oneself, her husband can confirm it, or her husband can cancel it.
14 If her husband says nothing to her from day to day, he agrees to all her promises or commitments. He makes them stand because he said nothing when he first heard them.
15 If he cancels her promises after hearing them, he must take responsibility for her wrong.
16 These are the rules that God told Moses, for a man and his wife, and for a father and his young daughter living in her father’s house.