
Chapter 15

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Ezekiel Chapter 15
Ezekiel Chapter 15

1 God spoke to me, saying,

2 Human, what makes a grapevine better than any other tree or a branch found in the forest?

3 Can wood from it be used to make anything? Or can someone use a piece of it to hang things on?

4 Look, it is thrown into the fire as fuel; the fire burns up both its ends, and its middle is charred. Can it be used for any task?

5 Look, when it was whole, it was not fit for any work: how much less will it be fit for any work now, after the fire has eaten it, and it is burned?

6 So this is what God says: Just as a vine among forest trees that I’ve set aside to burn is given, so will I treat Jerusalem’s people.

7 I will be against them; they will escape one fire, but another fire will consume them; and you will know that I am God when I am against them.

8 I will make the land empty, because they did wrong, says God.

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