1 Samuel
Chapter 29

1 The Philistines brought all their armies together at Aphek, while the Israelites set up camp by a spring in Jezreel.
2 The leaders of the Philistines marched by hundreds and by thousands, while David and his men were at the back with Achish.
3 The Philistine leaders asked, “Why are these Hebrews here?” Achish replied to the Philistine leaders, “Isn’t this David, the servant of Saul the king of Israel, who has been with me for some time now, and I have found nothing wrong with him up to today?”
4 The Philistine leaders were angry with him and said, “Send this man back to the place you assigned him. He shouldn’t fight with us, or he might turn against us during the battle. How could he win back his master’s favor if not by taking the heads of our soldiers?”
5 Isn’t this David, the one they celebrated in dances, saying, Saul killed thousands, but David killed tens of thousands?
6 Then Achish spoke to David and said, “As surely as God lives, you have been honest, and your actions with me in the army have been good; I’ve seen nothing bad in you from when you first came to me until now. But the rulers don’t like you.
7 So now, go back and leave in peace, so you don’t upset the Philistine leaders.
8 David asked Achish, “What have I done wrong? What fault have you found in me, after all the time I’ve been with you, that I can’t go and fight the king’s enemies?”
9 Achish replied to David, “I know you are as good as an angel of God to me. But the Philistine leaders have said, ‘He cannot join us in the fight.’”
10 So get up early in the morning with your master’s servants who are with you. Once it’s early and light, go on your way.
11 David and his men got up early in the morning to leave and go back to the land of the Philistines. The Philistines went to Jezreel.