Chapter 13

1 If a prophet or someone who dreams of visions appears among you, and gives you a sign or a miracle,
2 If the sign or miracle happens that he told you about, saying, “Let’s follow other gods you don’t know and worship them,”
3 Do not listen to what that prophet or dreamer says, because God is testing you to see if you love God with all your heart and soul.
4 Follow God, respect him, follow his rules, listen to him, serve him, and stay close to him.
5 That prophet or dreamer must be put to death for trying to turn you away from God, who freed you from Egypt and slavery, leading you on the path God commanded. This will remove evil from among you.
6 If your brother, your mother’s son, or your own son or daughter, or the wife close to you, or your friend who is like your own self, tempts you in secret, saying “Let’s go and worship other gods,” gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known;
7 From the gods of the nations near you or far from you, from one end of the earth to the other.
8 Do not agree with him, do not listen to him, do not feel sorry for him, do not spare him, and do not hide him.
9 You must definitely kill him; you should be the first to strike him to put him to death, and then everyone else should follow.
10 You must stone him to death with rocks because he tried to turn you away from God, who led you out of Egypt, where you were slaves.
11 Everyone in Israel will hear about it, be afraid, and not do such evil things among you anymore.
12 If you hear someone in one of your cities, which God has given you to live in, saying,
13 Some bad men from your group have left and convinced the people of their city to follow other gods that you don’t know.
14 Then you should investigate, search carefully, and ask thoroughly; and if you find out it’s true and the offense has definitely been done among you;
15 You must completely destroy the people of that city with your swords, along with everything in it, and also the animals, using your swords.
16 Gather all the city’s goods into its center, burn the city and everything in it for God. It will be ruins forever and never rebuilt.
17 Do not keep anything cursed; then God will calm his anger, be merciful to you, feel sorry for you, and make your family larger, as he promised your ancestors.
18 When you listen to God’s voice and follow all the commands I give you today, do what is right in God’s eyes.