Chapter 23

1 God spoke to Moses, saying,
2 Tell the people of Israel, tell them about God’s festivals that you must announce as sacred gatherings; these are my festivals.
3 Work for six days, but the seventh day is a rest day, a special gathering; do no work on that day: it is God’s rest day, everywhere you live.
4 These are God’s special feasts, the sacred meetings you must announce at the right times.
5 On the fourteenth day of the first month, in the evening, is God’s Passover.
6 On the fifteenth day of that month is God’s Feast of Unleavened Bread: for seven days you must eat bread without yeast.
7 On the first day, you should gather for a special meeting; you must not do any regular work.
8 For seven days, you must present a burnt offering to God. On the seventh day, there is a special gathering; you must not do any regular work on that day.
9 God spoke to Moses and said,
10 Tell the people of Israel, when you enter the land I am giving you and harvest its crops, bring the first bundle of your harvest to the priest.
11 He will present the bundle of grain to God for you to be accepted; the next day after the Sabbath, the priest will do this presentation.
12 On that day when you present the sheaf, offer a one-year-old male lamb with no defects as a burnt sacrifice to God.
13 Its grain offering shall be two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil, burned as a pleasing aroma to God; and its drink offering shall be wine, one-quarter of a hin.
14 Do not eat bread, roasted grain, or fresh grain until the same day you bring an offering to God. This rule will last forever for all your descendants wherever you live.
15 Count seven full weeks from the day after the Sabbath when you brought the bundle of grain to wave as an offering.
16 Count fifty days until the day after the seventh Sabbath; then give a new grain offering to God.
17 From your homes, bring two loaves of bread made from two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour, baked with yeast, as an offering to God.
18 You must give seven perfect lambs that are one year old, one young cow, and two rams with the bread as a burnt sacrifice to God. Include grain and drink offerings. It will be a fire offering, a pleasing aroma to God.
19 You must offer one young goat as a sin offering and two one-year-old lambs as a peace offering.
20 The priest will move them and the bread of the first harvest up and down as a special offering in front of God, along with the two lambs. These are holy for God and are for the priest.
21 You must announce on that very day, it should be a special gathering for you: do not do any regular work: this rule will last forever where you live, for all your family to follow.
22 When you harvest your land, do not completely clear the corners of your field, nor pick up leftovers. Leave them for the poor and the foreigner. I am God your God.
23 God spoke to Moses, saying,
24 Tell the people of Israel: On the first day of the seventh month, you must have a day of rest, a special time to remember with trumpet blasts, a sacred gathering.
25 Do not do any regular work on that day, but you must present a fire offering to God.
26 God spoke to Moses, saying,
27 On the tenth day of the seventh month, you will have a day to make amends. It will be a special meeting for you. You must show sorrow and give a burnt offering to God.
28 Do no work on that day, because it is a day to make up for your sins before God.
29 Anyone who does not show their sorrow on that day will be separated from their people.
30 If anyone works on that day, I will remove that person from their community.
31 You must not do any work; this rule will last forever, for all your future family wherever you live.
32 This day will be a day of rest for you, and you should humbly reflect on yourselves. Starting on the evening of the ninth day of the month, from one evening to the next, you will observe your day of rest.
33 God spoke to Moses, saying,
34 Tell the people of Israel, on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, there will be the Feast of Tabernacles to honor God for seven days.
35 On the first day, you must have a special gathering; do not do any regular work on that day.
36 For seven days, give a fire offering to God. On the eighth day, gather for a special meeting and give another fire offering to God. It is an important gathering, and you must not do any regular work on that day.
37 These are God’s special celebrations that you must announce as sacred gatherings, where you present offerings made with fire to God, including burnt offerings, grain offerings, sacrifices, and drink offerings, each on its proper day.
38 Apart from God’s Sabbaths, your gifts, all your promises, and all the voluntary offerings you give to God.
39 On the fifteenth day of the seventh month, after you collect the crops, celebrate a festival for God for seven days. The first day is a rest day, and the eighth day is also a rest day.
40 On the first day, grab branches from nice trees, palm trees, thick trees, and willow trees by the stream; and be happy in front of God for seven days.
41 You will celebrate a festival for God for seven days each year. This will be a permanent law for all your future generations: you must observe it in the seventh month.
42 Live in shelters for seven days; every native-born Israelite must live in shelters.
43 I want your future families to know that I had the Israelites live in temporary shelters when I led them out of Egypt. I am God, your God.
44 Moses told the Israelites about God’s festivals.