Chapter 41

1 Later, he took me to the temple and measured the entrance posts, which were six cubits wide on one side and six cubits wide on the other side, the same width as the tent.
2 The door was ten cubits wide; each side of the door was five cubits, five on one side and five on the other side. He measured the length at forty cubits and the width at twenty cubits.
3 He went inside and measured the doorpost at two cubits; the door itself at six cubits; and the width of the doorway at seven cubits.
4 He measured it to be twenty cubits long and twenty cubits wide, in front of the temple, and said to me, “This is the holiest place.”
5 He measured the house wall, six cubits high; and the width of the side rooms, four cubits, all around the house.
6 The side rooms were three stories high, one above another, with thirty rooms in each row. They were attached to the wall of the main building, encircling it so they could be supported, but they didn’t go into the wall of the main building.
7 The rooms became larger as they went up, with a spiral going up around the house. Because of this, the house got wider as it went up, from the lowest to the highest through the middle.
8 I also saw the height of the temple all around: its side rooms were built on a base that was six long cubits high.
9 The wall’s thickness for the outside rooms was five cubits, and the space left over was for the inside rooms.
10 Between the rooms was an open area 20 cubits wide all around the building on every side.
11 The doors of the side rooms faced the open area, one door to the north and one to the south, and the open space was five cubits wide all around.
12 The building in front of the separated area on the west side was 70 units wide. Its wall was 5 units thick all around, and it was 90 units long.
13 He measured the temple, one hundred units long; and the outer area, and the structure, with its walls, one hundred units long.
14 The width of the temple front and the area to the east is one hundred cubits.
15 He measured the building’s length next to the private area behind it, including its side galleries, a hundred cubits total, along with the inner sanctuary and the courtyards’ entryways.
16 The door frames, the small windows, and the surrounding balconies on their three floors, facing the door, were paneled with wood all around, from the floor to the windows, and the windows were covered.
17 Above the door, to the inside of the house, outside, and along every side of the wall, inside and out, measured accurately.
18 It had cherubim and palm trees, and each palm tree was between two cherubim, with each cherubim having two faces.
19 The side of a man’s face was toward the palm tree on one side, and the side of a young lion’s face was toward the palm tree on the other side; this pattern was repeated all around the house.
20 From the ground up to above the door, there were images of angels and palm trees, and they were on the temple wall.
21 The temple’s pillars were square, and so was the front of the holy place; both looked the same.
22 The wooden altar was three feet high and its length was two feet. Its corners, length, and walls were made of wood. He told me, “This is the table in front of God.”
23 The temple and the holy place had two doors.
24 Each door had two panels that could swing open; one pair for one door, and another pair for the other door.
25 On the temple doors, they carved cherubim and palm trees like those on the walls, and there were solid beams on the outside of the front porch.
26 There were small windows and palm trees on both sides, along the porch, on the side rooms of the house, and heavy beams.