Chapter 86

1 Lean down your ear, God, listen to me: I am poor and in need.
2 Keep me safe, because I am devoted to you; my God, rescue your servant who relies on you.
3 Show me kindness, God, for I call out to you every day.
4 Make your servant’s heart happy, because I turn to you, God, with all my heart.
5 You, God, are good and always ready to forgive; you are rich in kindness to all who call on you.
6 Listen, God, to my prayer; pay attention to my requests.
7 When I have problems, I will ask for your help because you will respond to me.
8 There are no gods like you, God; no deeds can match what you do.
9 Every nation you created will come and worship before you, God; they will honor your name.
10 You are great and do amazing things; you are the only God.
11 Teach me your way, God; I will follow your truth: make my heart whole to respect your name.
12 I will praise you, God, with all my heart, and I will honor your name forever.
13 Your kindness to me is great; you have saved me from the deepest darkness.
14 God, proud people rise against me, and groups of violent men chase my soul; they do not consider you.
15 But you, God, are filled with compassion and kindness, very patient, and rich in mercy and truth.
16 God, please pay attention to me and show me kindness; give your power to your servant and rescue your servant’s mother’s child.
17 Show me a sign of your goodness, so those who hate me will see it and feel shame, because you, God, have helped and comforted me.