Chapter 24

1 Do not be jealous of bad people, nor wish to spend time with them.
2 Their heart plans to destroy, and their lips speak of trouble.
3 A house is built with wisdom and set up with understanding.
4 With knowledge, the rooms will be filled with all valuable and beautiful treasures.
5 A smart person is powerful; yes, a person who knows a lot gets even stronger.
6 With smart advice, you will plan your battles well; having many advisors brings safety.
7 Wisdom is too much for a fool; he doesn’t speak in public.
8 Anyone who plans to do bad will be known as a troublemaker.
9 Thinking foolish thoughts is wrong, and people hate a mocker.
10 If you give up when trouble comes, you don’t have much strength.
11 If you don’t save those who are being led to death, and those about to be killed;
12 If you say, “We didn’t know about it,” doesn’t God, who knows what’s in your heart, see it? And the one who watches over you, doesn’t He know it? Won’t He repay everyone for what they’ve done?
13 My son, eat honey because it is good; and the honeycomb, which tastes sweet to you.
14 Understanding wisdom will be good for you. When you find it, you will be rewarded, and your hopes will not be dashed.
15 Don’t set a trap, wicked person, at the home of the good person; don’t destroy where they rest.
16 A good person may fall down seven times but gets up again, while the bad will stumble into trouble.
17 Do not be happy when your enemy falls, and do not feel glad when they trip.
18 So that God does not see it and get unhappy, causing him to stop being angry with that person.
19 Don’t worry about bad people, and don’t be jealous of the wicked.
20 Evil people won’t be rewarded; the light of the wicked will be extinguished.
21 My son, respect God and the king, and do not associate with those who like to rebel.
22 Their disaster will come quickly; and who knows the destruction that will come upon them both?
23 Wise people know this too: It is not good to favor some people over others when making a decision.
24 Anyone who tells the wicked they are right will be cursed by people and despised by nations.
25 Those who correct others will find joy, and blessings will come to them.
26 Everyone likes someone who gives the right answer.
27 Get your work ready outside, and make it ready for yourself in the field; then build your house.
28 Do not accuse your neighbor without reason, and do not lie.
29 Do not say, “I will treat him as he treated me; I will give the man what he deserves for what he did.”
30 I passed by the lazy person’s field and the vineyard of someone who lacks sense.
31 Look, it was all covered with thorns, and nettles had spread over its surface, and its stone wall was torn down.
32 I saw it, thought about it carefully, observed it, and learned a lesson.
33 Just a bit more sleep, a bit more rest, a bit more of hugging your arms to sleep.
34 Your poverty will come like a traveler; your need like an armed man.