Chapter 8

1 Doesn’t wisdom call out? And understanding raise her voice?
2 She stands at the top of high places, beside the roads, at the crossroads.
3 She calls out at the city gates, where people enter, at the doors.
4 I call to you, men; my voice is for all people.
5 You simple people, learn to be wise; and you fools, learn to understand.
6 Listen, for I will talk about great things; and when I open my lips, I will say what is right.
7 I will speak only truth; I hate to say anything wicked.
8 Everything I say is right; there’s nothing wrong or twisted in my words.
9 Everything is clear to someone who understands, and correct for those who gain knowledge.
10 Accept my teaching instead of silver, and wisdom rather than the finest gold.
11 Wisdom is better than jewels; nothing you want can equal it.
12 I, Wisdom, live with good sense, and I discover knowledge of clever designs.
13 Being afraid of God means hating evil: I hate pride, arrogance, evil behavior, and lying speech.
14 I give advice and true wisdom; I am insight; I have power.
15 Through me, kings rule and leaders make fair laws.
16 Through me, leaders govern, and nobles, including all the earth’s judges.
17 I love those who love me; and those who look for me early will find me.
18 Wealth and honor are with me; yes, lasting wealth and fairness.
19 My fruit is more valuable than gold, even pure gold; and my earnings are better than the best silver.
20 I guide on the path of what is right, through the ways of fair decisions.
21 I want to help those who love me get wealth, and I will make their treasures full.
22 God chose me at the start of His path, before His ancient works.
23 I was chosen from forever, from the start, before the earth existed.
24 Before the oceans existed, I was born; before there were springs filled with water.
25 Before the mountains were in place, before the hills I was born.
26 Before God made the earth, the fields, or the highest dust particles of the world.
27 When he made the sky, I was there: when he drew a circle on the deep:
28 When he made the clouds up high: when he made the deep springs strong:
29 When he told the sea its limits, so the waters would not disobey his command, when he set the earth’s foundations:
30 I was with God, like someone raised with him; I was his joy every day, always happy in his presence.
31 I celebrated in the world he made; I enjoyed being with people.
32 Listen to me now, children: happy are those who follow my teachings.
33 Listen to advice, be smart, and don’t ignore it.
34 Happy is the person who listens to me, keeping watch at my doors every day, waiting by the doorframes of my house.
35 Whoever finds me finds life and will receive favor from God.
36 Whoever sins against me hurts their own soul; all who hate me love death.