1 Chronicles
Chapter 28

1 David gathered all the leaders of Israel, the tribal leaders, the group leaders who served the king in shifts, the leaders in charge of a thousand men, the leaders of a hundred men, the managers of the king’s property and belongings, his sons, the officials, the strong warriors, and all the brave men in Jerusalem.
2 King David stood up and said, “Listen to me, my brothers and my people. I wanted to build a resting place for the ark of God’s covenant and a place for our God’s feet, and I prepared for the construction.”
3 God told me, “You must not build a house for my name, because you are a warrior and have spilled blood.”
4 However, God chose me from all my father’s family to be king over Israel forever. God picked Judah to lead; from Judah’s family, my father’s household; and from my father’s sons, he preferred me to be king over all Israel.
5 Out of all my sons, because God has given me many, he has chosen my son Solomon to rule as king over Israel.
6 He told me, “Your son Solomon will build my house and courts: I have chosen him to be my son, and I will be his father.”
7 I will make his kingdom last forever if he faithfully follows my commands and decisions, just like today.
8 So now, in front of all Israel, God’s people, and while our God listens, follow and search for all of God’s commands. Then you will own this good land and pass it down to your children forever.
9 And you, Solomon my son, understand your father’s God, and serve him with a true heart and an eager mind: for God knows every heart and understands every thought’s plan: if you look for him, you will find him; but if you leave him, he will reject you forever.
10 Be careful now; God has chosen you to build a house for the holy place: be strong, and get it done.
11 David gave Solomon the designs for the entrance, the buildings, the storerooms, the upper rooms, the inner rooms, and the spot for the mercy seat.
12 He had a design, inspired by God, for the temple courts, the surrounding rooms, the storerooms of God’s house, and the storerooms for the holy items.
13 Also for the duties of the priests and the Levites, for all the work in God’s house, and for all the items used in God’s house.
14 He provided gold, measured by weight, for all the gold items, for every type of service tool; he also gave silver, weighed out, for all the silver tools, for every kind of service.
15 Even the amount of gold needed for the candlesticks and their gold lamps was measured for each candlestick and its lamps. And the silver candlesticks were weighed, each candlestick and its lamps, according to how each one was to be used.
16 He gave gold by weight for each table of showbread, and the same with silver for the silver tables.
17 Also, pure gold for the meat hooks, bowls, and cups; and for the gold basins, he gave gold measured by weight for each basin; and the same with silver for each silver basin.
18 For the incense altar, pure gold measured by weight; and gold for the model of the cherubim’s chariot, which stretched out their wings and covered God’s covenant ark.
19 David said, “God made me understand everything about this design through his guidance, including all the details of the work.”
20 David told Solomon his son, “Be strong and brave, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or worried, because God, my God, is with you. He won’t let you down or leave you until you finish all the work for God’s house.”
21 Look, the groups of priests and Levites will be with you for all of God’s house service. Every skilled man who is willing will be with you for any kind of work. The leaders and everyone else will fully follow your orders.