Chapter 25

1 These are also sayings of Solomon, which the men of Hezekiah, king of Judah, wrote down.
2 God finds glory in hiding things; a king’s honor is to discover them.
3 The sky is high, the earth is deep, and a king’s thoughts are hard to understand.
4 Remove the impurities from the silver, and a vessel for the silversmith will be made.
5 Remove the bad people from the king’s presence, and his rule will be secure and good.
6 Do not push yourself forward in front of the king, and do not stand where important people are.
7 It is better to be invited to come up higher than to be told to move down in front of a leader you have seen.
8 Don’t rush to argue, or you won’t know what to do when your neighbor embarrasses you.
9 Talk about your problem with your neighbor directly, and don’t tell someone else their secret.
10 So the listener won’t embarrass you, and your bad reputation won’t disappear.
11 The right word at the right time is like golden apples in a silver setting.
12 Like a gold earring or a fine gold decoration, so is wise advice to someone who listens.
13 Like the coolness of snow at harvest time, a trustworthy messenger is to those who send him; he revives the spirits of his employers.
14 Anyone who brags about a fake gift is like clouds and wind that bring no rain.
15 With patient persistence, a ruler can be convinced, and gentle speech can overcome strong resistance.
16 Have you found honey? Eat only as much as you need, so you don’t overeat and throw it up.
17 Stop visiting your neighbor’s house too much, or he will get tired of you and start to dislike you.
18 A person who lies about others is as harmful as a club, a sword, or a sharp arrow.
19 Trusting someone who is not loyal when there is trouble is like having a broken tooth or a sprained foot.
20 Like someone who takes off a coat on a cold day or pours vinegar on soda, is a person who sings songs to a sad heart.
21 If your enemy is hungry, give him food; if he is thirsty, give him water.
22 You will make him feel guilty, like putting hot coals on his head, and God will reward you.
23 The north wind blows rain away; just like an angry look stops mean gossip.
24 It’s better to live in a small corner on the roof than in a big house with a quarrelsome woman.
25 Like cold water to a thirsty person, good news from a far place is so refreshing.
26 A good person bending before the bad is like a dirty water source or a spoiled stream.
27 Eating too much honey is not good, and seeking your own praise is not really praise.
28 A person who can’t control their emotions is like a city with broken walls and no defense.