Chapter 53

1 Who has believed what we said? And to whom has God shown his power?
2 He will grow up before God like a young plant and as a root from dry soil. He has no attractive form or beauty; when we see him, nothing in his appearance makes us want him.
3 People dislike and ignore him; he is a man who knows sadness and pain: we all turned away from him; he was disliked, and we did not value him.
4 He surely took on our pains and carried our sadness, but we thought he was punished by God, hit by him, and suffering.
5 He was hurt for our wrongs, he was beaten for our sins. The punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have wandered off; each of us has gone our own way; and God has put on him the wrongs of us all.
7 He was mistreated and he suffered, but he did not speak: he is led like a lamb to be killed, and like a sheep is silent before its shearers, so he does not speak.
8 He was freed from jail and trial. Who will speak of his descendants? He was removed from the living because my people did wrong, and he suffered for them.
9 He was buried with bad people, and although wealthy when he died, he had not been violent or lied.
10 God chose to hurt him; God made him suffer. When you offer his life for sin, he will see his children, live a long life, and God’s will succeed through him.
11 He will see the results of his suffering and be content. Through his understanding, my good servant will make many people right with God, because he will carry their wrongs.
12 So I will give him a share with the great, and he will share the winnings with the mighty, because he gave his life to death: he was counted with the wrongdoers; he took on many people’s sins and spoke up for the wrongdoers.