Chapter 31

1 Moses went and said these things to all Israel.
2 He told them, “Today I am 120 years old; I can’t lead you anymore. God also told me, ‘You will not cross this Jordan river.’”
3 God will go ahead of you and will destroy the nations so you can take their land; and Joshua will lead you, just as God has promised.
4 God will do to them what he did to Sihon and Og, the Amorite kings, and their land, which he destroyed.
5 God will let you defeat them so you can follow all the rules I have given you.
6 Be strong and brave, don’t be scared or fear them, because God, your God, is with you; he will not leave you or abandon you.
7 Moses called Joshua and told him in front of all Israel, “Be strong and brave, for you will lead these people to the land God promised to give their ancestors, and you will help them take it as their own.”
8 God goes before you; He will be with you, He will not leave you or forget you; do not be scared or worried.
9 Moses wrote down the law and gave it to the Levite priests who carried God’s covenant chest, and to all the leaders of Israel.
10 Moses told them, “Every seven years, at the appointed time in the year of debt cancellation, during the Festival of Shelters,
11 When all Israel comes to meet God at the place He will choose, you must read this law to all Israel so they can hear it.
12 Bring everyone together, men, women, and children, and any outsiders living with you, so they can listen, learn to respect God, and follow all the teachings of this law.
13 So that your children, who do not know anything, can listen and learn to respect God, as you live in the land you are going to take over across the Jordan.
14 God told Moses, “Look, your time to die is near: call Joshua, and both of you come to the meeting tent, so I can give him instructions.” Moses and Joshua went and stood in the meeting tent.
15 God appeared in the tent as a cloud pillar, and the cloud pillar stayed above the tent’s entrance.
16 God said to Moses, “Look, you will die just like your ancestors did; and these people will betray me and follow the foreign gods of the land they are entering. They will leave me and break the agreement I have made with them.”
17 On that day, I’ll get very angry with them, leave them, and turn away from them. They will be destroyed and face many bad things and troubles. Then they will realize and say, “These bad things are happening because our God is not with us.”
18 I will definitely hide my face on that day because of all the wrongs they have done, since they have turned to other gods.
19 Now, write down this song for yourselves and teach it to the people of Israel. Have them sing it, so it will stand as evidence against them.
20 When I bring them to the land I promised their ancestors, a land rich with milk and honey, they will eat, be satisfied, become prosperous, then they will turn to other gods, worship them, anger me, and break our agreement.
21 When they face many bad things and troubles, this song will stand as evidence against them because it will not be forgotten by their descendants. I am aware of their thoughts even now, before they enter the land I promised.
22 Moses wrote this song that day and taught it to the people of Israel.
23 God commanded Joshua, Nun’s son, saying, “Be strong and brave, for you will lead the people of Israel into the land I promised them, and I will be with you.”
24 When Moses finished writing the words of this law in a book,
25 Moses told the Levites who carried the covenant box of God, saying,
26 Take this law book and place it beside the covenant box of God, so it can be a witness against you.
27 I know you are rebellious and stubborn. Even while I am still alive with you today, you have rebelled against God; how much more will you do so after I die?
28 Bring to me all the tribe leaders and your officials so I can tell them these things and have heaven and earth witness against them.
29 I know that after I die, you will become corrupt and leave the path I commanded. Bad things will happen to you later because you will do wrong, making God angry with what you do.
30 Moses spoke to all the Israelites the words of this song until it was finished.