Chapter 1

1 God’s message came to Zephaniah, Cushi’s son, Gedaliah’s grandson, Amariah’s great-grandson, and Hizkiah’s great-great-grandson, during Josiah’s time, Amon’s son, who was king of Judah.
2 I will completely destroy everything from the land, says God.
3 I will destroy people and animals; I will destroy the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea, along with the obstacles that the wicked face: and I will wipe out people from the earth, says God.
4 I will reach out my hand against Judah, and against everyone living in Jerusalem; I will eliminate the followers of Baal from this place, along with the idolatrous priests.
5 Those who worship the stars from their rooftops, and those who worship and make promises by God, and those who make promises by Malcham.
6 And those who turned away from God; and those who did not look for God, or ask about Him.
7 Be quiet before God, because God’s day is near: God has prepared a sacrifice and invited His guests.
8 On the day of God’s sacrifice, I will punish the leaders, the king’s children, and all who wear foreign clothes.
9 On that day, I will also punish everyone who jumps over the doorway and fills their master’s house with violence and lies.
10 On that day, God says there will be a sound of crying from the Fish Gate, a wailing from the second area, and a loud crash from the hills.
11 Cry out, people of Maktesh, because all the traders are destroyed; everyone who handles silver is wiped out.
12 At that time, I will search Jerusalem with lamps and punish those who are comfortable and think God will neither help nor harm.
13 So their possessions will be stolen, and their homes will be empty. They will build houses but not live in them, and they will grow grapes but not drink the wine.
14 God’s great day is close, very close, and is coming quickly. Even the shouts on that day will make strong men cry loudly.
15 That day is a day of anger, a day of problems and suffering, a day of destruction and ruin, a day of darkness and sadness, a day of clouds and deep shadow.
16 A day of trumpet blasts and warnings against the walled cities and tall towers.
17 I will cause trouble for people, making them stumble like blind people, because they sinned against God. Their blood will spill like dust, and their bodies will be like waste.
18 Their silver and gold won’t save them when God is angry. The whole land will be consumed by the fire of his jealousy. He will quickly remove everyone living in the land.