Chapter 26

1 Like snow in summer and rain during harvest, honor does not suit a fool.
2 Just like a bird that wanders or a swallow that flies, a curse without cause won’t come.
3 A whip for the horse, a harness for the donkey, and a stick for the fool’s back.
4 Do not answer a fool in the same foolish way, or you will be just like him.
5 Reply to a fool as his nonsense deserves, so he doesn’t think he’s wise.
6 Sending a message through a fool is like cutting off your own feet and bringing trouble on yourself.
7 A disabled person’s legs are not the same; similarly, a wise saying sounds wrong when a foolish person says it.
8 Like tying a stone in a sling, so is giving honor to a fool.
9 Like a thorn sticks in a drunk person’s hand, a wise saying is misunderstood by fools.
10 The great God who made everything rewards both the fool and those who do wrong.
11 Like a dog that goes back to its vomit, a fool repeats his foolish actions.
12 Do you see a person who thinks they are very wise? A fool has more chance of finding wisdom than that person.
13 The lazy person says, “There is a lion on the road; a lion is in the streets.”
14 Just as a door swings on its hinges, a lazy person turns over in bed.
15 The lazy person hides his hand in his pocket; it bothers him to lift it to his mouth again.
16 The lazy person thinks he is smarter than seven people who give good reasons.
17 Someone who interferes in a fight that’s not their own is like someone who grabs a dog by its ears.
18 Like a crazy person who throws torches, arrows, and death,
19 This is like the person who tricks their friend and then says, “I was only joking!”
20 When there’s no wood, the fire goes out; just as when there’s no gossip, arguments stop.
21 Just as coals heat coals and wood fuels fire, a quarrelsome person starts arguments.
22 A gossip’s words hurt like wounds, reaching deep inside a person.
23 Hot words and a bad heart are like a broken pot covered with cheap silver.
24 The one who hates hides it with his words and keeps lies inside himself.
25 When he talks nicely, don’t trust him: because his heart hides seven horrible things.
26 Who hides hate with lies, their evil will be exposed to everyone.
27 Anyone who digs a hole will fall into it; and if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them.
28 A dishonest speaker dislikes those they hurt; and smooth talk can lead to destruction.