Chapter 68

1 May God stand up, may his enemies scatter; may those who hate him run away from him.
2 Like smoke is blown away, blow them away; as wax melts before fire, let the wicked vanish in God’s presence.
3 Let good people be happy; let them celebrate in front of God; yes, let them be very joyful.
4 Sing to God, sing praises to His name; praise Him who rides through the skies, who is called JAH, and be happy in His presence.
5 God is a protector of orphans and a defender of widows in his sacred home.
6 God places lonely people into families; he frees the chained; but the rebellious live in a barren place.
7 God, when you went out before your people, when you walked through the desert; pause and think about that.
8 The earth trembled, the skies poured down rain before God: even Mount Sinai shook before God, the God of Israel.
9 God, you sent a lot of rain, which strengthened your people when they were tired.
10 Your people have lived there; God, you have provided for the needy with your goodness.
11 God gave the message: many people spread it.
12 Army rulers ran away quickly; the woman who stayed home shared the loot.
13 Even if you lay among the ashes, you will be like a dove with silver wings and golden feathers.
14 When God spread out kings there, it was as white as snow on Salmon.
15 God’s hill is like the hill of Bashan; a tall hill like the hill of Bashan.
16 Why do you jump, you tall mountains? This is the mountain where God chooses to live; yes, God will live there forever.
17 God has twenty thousand chariots and many angels; God is with them, as at Sinai, in the sacred place.
18 You went up high, you took prisoners: you got gifts for people, even for those against you, so that God could live with them.
19 God blesses us every day with good things, the God who saves us. Pause and think about this.
20 Our God is the God who saves us; and God controls life and death.
21 God will hurt the heads of his enemies and the hairy heads of those who keep sinning.
22 God said, “I will bring them back from Bashan, I will bring my people back from the depths of the sea.”
23 So your foot will step in your enemies’ blood, and your dogs will lick it too.
24 People have seen how you move, O God; they’ve seen how my God, my King, moves in the holy place.
25 Singers led the way, musicians followed; young women with drums were among them.
26 Praise God together, everyone; praise the Lord, O descendants of Israel.
27 Benjamin’s group with their leader, Judah’s chiefs and their advisors, Zebulun’s leaders, and Naphtali’s leaders are there.
28 Your God has ordered your power: make us stronger, God, for what you have done for us.
29 Because of your temple in Jerusalem, kings will bring you gifts.
30 Tell off the group of soldiers, the many strong ones, and the young ones of the nations, until they all give in with silver gifts: send away the people who enjoy fighting.
31 Leaders will come from Egypt; Ethiopia will quickly reach out to God.
32 Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth; sing praises to God; pause and think.
33 To the one who rides on the highest heavens, which existed long ago, listen, he sends out his voice, a powerful voice.
34 Give God credit for being strong: He is most excellent above Israel, and his power is in the skies.
35 God, you are awesome from your holy places. The God of Israel gives strength and power to his people. God is blessed.