Chapter 4

1 Listen to God’s message, people of Israel: God has an issue with the country’s people, because they lack truth, kindness, and understanding of God.
2 By swearing, lying, killing, stealing, and being unfaithful, they run wild, and violence follows violence.
3 So the land will be sad, and everyone living in it will grow weak, along with the animals on the land, the birds in the sky, and even the fish in the sea will disappear.
4 Let no one argue or scold another, because your people are like those who argue with a priest.
5 So you will fall in the daytime, the prophet will also fall with you at night, and I will destroy your mother.
6 My people are ruined because they don’t know enough: because you have ignored knowledge, I will ignore you so you won’t be a priest to me: since you have forgotten your God’s law, I will also forget your children.
7 As they grew in number, they also sinned against me: so I will turn their honor into disgrace.
8 They consume my people’s sin and desire their wrongdoing.
9 People and priests will be alike: I will punish them for their actions and repay them for what they have done.
10 They will eat but still be hungry; they will be unfaithful but not grow in number because they have stopped paying attention to God.
11 Immorality, wine, and strong drink can ruin good judgment.
12 My people look for advice from wooden idols, and their walking sticks tell them what to do. They have been led astray by a desire for false gods and have turned away from their God.
13 They offer sacrifices on mountain tops and burn incense on hills, under oak, poplar, and elm trees, where it is shady and pleasant. As a result, your daughters will become prostitutes, and your partners will be unfaithful.
14 I will not punish your daughters when they are unfaithful, nor your wives when they are unfaithful: because they themselves keep company with prostitutes and make offerings with them. So the people who do not understand will stumble.
15 Even though you are unfaithful, Israel, I hope that Judah will not sin. Do not visit Gilgal, do not go to Bethaven, and do not promise by saying, “God lives.”
16 Israel has slipped away like a stubborn cow; now God will care for them like a lamb in a wide open space.
17 Ephraim is attached to idols: leave him be.
18 Their drink has gone bad; they are always unfaithful. Her leaders love disgraceful ways.
19 The wind has wrapped her in its wings, and they will feel shame for their offerings.