Chapter 39

1 So, you human messenger, speak against Gog and say, ‘This is what God says: Look, I am against you, Gog, ruler of Meshech and Tubal.’
2 I will make you turn back, leaving only a sixth of you, and will lead you from the north to the mountains of Israel.
3 I will knock your bow from your left hand and make your arrows drop from your right hand.
4 You will fall on the mountains of Israel, you and all your groups, and the people with you: I will give you to the hungry birds of every kind, and to the wild animals to be eaten.
5 You will fall in the open field because I, God, have said so.
6 I will send fire on Magog and on those living without worry on the islands; they will know that I am God.
7 I will make my holy name known among my people Israel; I will not allow my holy name to be dishonored anymore. And the nations will know that I am God, the Holy One in Israel.
8 Look, it has come, and it is finished, says God; this is the day I have talked about.
9 People living in Israel’s cities will go out, burn the weapons - the shields, small shields, bows, arrows, clubs, and spears - and use them for fuel for seven years.
10 They will not need to gather wood from the fields or cut down trees from the forests because they will use their weapons for fuel. They will take back what was taken from them and loot those who looted them, says God.
11 On that day, I will give Gog a burial place in Israel, in the valley where people pass by, east of the sea. The smell will be so bad it will block the travelers’ noses. There they will bury Gog and all his army, and it will be named The Valley of Hamongog.
12 For seven months, the people of Israel will bury them to clean the land.
13 Yes, all the people of the land will bury them, and they will be honored on the day I am glorified, says God.
14 They will choose people for the full-time job of going through the land to bury with travelers the bodies left on the ground, to clean the land. After seven months, they will start searching.
15 Travelers crossing the land, if someone sees a human bone, must then mark it with a sign until the grave-diggers bury it in Hamongog Valley.
16 The city will be named Hamonah. This is how they will purify the land.
17 You, human, this is what God says: Tell all the birds and animals to come together from everywhere to the big sacrifice I have prepared for you on the hills of Israel. You will eat meat and drink blood.
18 You will eat the meat of the strong and drink the blood of the earth’s rulers, including rams, lambs, goats, and bulls, all well-fed from Bashan.
19 You will eat until you are full and drink until you are drunk on the sacrifice I made for you.
20 You will be fed at my table with horses, chariots, strong men, and all warriors, says God.
21 I will show my greatness to the nations, and all the nations will see the justice I have done and the power I have used against them.
22 So the people of Israel will know that I am their God from that day on.
23 The nations will understand that Israel was taken as captives because of their sins; they did wrong to me, so I turned away from them and let their enemies defeat them in battle.
24 Because of their dirtiness and bad actions, I punished them and turned away from them.
25 So God says, “Now I will bring back the people of Jacob from captivity, have mercy on all of Israel, and defend my holy name with passion.”
26 After they feel their shame and all their wrongs against me, when they lived safely in their land with no one to scare them.
27 When I bring them back from other peoples and collect them from their enemies’ lands, and show my holiness through them to many nations.
28 They will know I am their God, who let them be taken captive to foreign lands, but I have brought them back to their own land and have not left any behind.
29 I will not hide my face from them anymore because I have given my spirit to the people of Israel, says God.