Chapter 21

1 Job replied,
2 Listen carefully to what I say, and let this comfort you.
3 Let me speak, and after I have spoken, you can mock me.
4 Do I complain to people? If that’s true, shouldn’t I be upset?
5 Listen to me, be amazed, and put your hand over your mouth.
6 When I think about it, I get scared, and my body starts to shake.
7 Why do bad people live long, grow old, and become very strong?
8 Their children are secure with them, and they can see their grandchildren.
9 Their homes are safe and not afraid, and God’s punishment does not touch them.
10 Their bull mates without failing; their cow gives birth and does not miscarry.
11 They send out their young like a herd, and their kids dance.
12 They play tambourines and harps, and are happy to hear the organ’s music.
13 They live in riches all their days, but suddenly they die.
14 So they tell God to go away, because they don’t want to know His ways.
15 Who is God that we should serve Him? And what do we gain by praying to Him?
16 Look, they have no control over their own welfare; I stay away from the plans of the wicked.
17 How often is the wicked person’s light extinguished! And how often does ruin fall upon them! God gives out sadness in his anger.
18 They are like straw in the wind, and like husks that the storm blows away.
19 God saves up the wrongs of someone for their children: He punishes them, and they will realize it.
20 He will see his own ruin and drink from God’s anger.
21 Why would he enjoy his house after he’s gone if his life is cut short?
22 Can anyone teach God knowledge, since He judges even the powerful?
23 Someone dies in their prime, feeling completely peaceful and relaxed.
24 His chest is full of milk, and his bones are wet with marrow.
25 Another person dies feeling bitter and never enjoys their food.
26 They will all rest in the ground, and worms will cover them.
27 Look, I know what you are thinking and the plans you are wrongly making against me.
28 You ask, “Where is the prince’s house? And where do the wicked live?”
29 Have you not asked those who pass by? And do you not recognize the signs they know?
30 The wicked are kept for the day of destruction; they will be taken to the day of anger.
31 Who will tell him what he has done to his face? Who will pay him back for his actions?
32 He will be taken to the grave and stay in the tomb.
33 The lumps of earth in the valley will be dear to him, and everyone will follow him, just as countless have gone before him.
34 So how can you comfort me with nonsense, when your answers are full of lies?