Chapter 37

1 Don’t worry about wrongdoers, and don’t be jealous of those who do evil.
2 They will quickly be chopped down like grass and dry up like green plants.
3 Trust in God, and do good; then you will live safely in the land, and you will have plenty to eat.
4 Enjoy being close to God, and he will give you what your heart wants.
5 Trust your path to God; believe in him, and he will make it happen.
6 He will make your goodness shine like the light, and your fair decisions like the midday sun.
7 Trust in God and wait calmly for Him; don’t worry about those who succeed in their bad plans.
8 Stop being angry, leave behind rage; do not worry yourself at all to do wrong.
9 Those who do wrong will be removed, but those who wait for God will receive the earth.
10 Soon the wicked will be gone; you will look for them, but they won’t be there.
11 The gentle will inherit the land and enjoy great peace.
12 The bad person makes plans against the good person and shows anger by grinding his teeth at him.
13 God will laugh at him because He sees that his time is coming.
14 Evil people have pulled out their swords and aimed their bows to knock down the poor and needy, and to kill those who live honestly.
15 Their swords will stab their own hearts, and their bows will snap.
16 A small amount that a good person has is better than the wealth of many bad people.
17 The power of the bad will be broken, but God supports the good.
18 God knows the days of the good people, and their inheritance will last forever.
19 They will not feel shame when times are bad; and during famine, they will have enough.
20 But the bad people will die, and God’s enemies will vanish like lamb fat in fire; they will disappear like smoke.
21 The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the good are kind and give.
22 Those blessed by God will inherit the land; those cursed by Him will be destroyed.
23 God guides a good person’s path and finds joy in their journey.
24 If he falls, he will not be completely defeated because God supports him with his hand.
25 I was once young, and now I’m old; but I’ve never seen a good person abandoned, or their children having to beg for food.
26 He is always kind and gives to others; and his children are blessed.
27 Turn away from bad things and do good things; live forever.
28 God loves fairness and does not abandon his faithful people; they are protected forever, but the descendants of the wicked will be destroyed.
29 Good people will receive the land and live there always.
30 The righteous person’s mouth speaks wisdom, and their tongue discusses fairness.
31 God’s law is in his heart; he will not slip.
32 The bad person watches the good person and tries to kill him.
33 God will not let him be defeated or declare him guilty when he is on trial.
34 Wait for God, follow His path, and He will raise you up to receive the land; when the wicked are removed, you will see it.
35 I have seen evil people with much power, growing strong like a healthy tree.
36 He died, and suddenly he was gone. I looked for him, but he could not be found.
37 Notice the good person, and see the honest one: for a peaceful end awaits that person.
38 Wrongdoers will all be destroyed: the future of the wicked will end.
39 God saves good people; he is their protector when trouble comes.
40 God will help them and rescue them; He will save them from the wicked because they rely on Him.