Chapter 18

1 A person with strong desires sets themselves apart, searches, and gets involved with all kinds of knowledge.
2 A fool does not enjoy learning, only showing off their own opinions.
3 When evil people come, disrespect also comes, and with it comes shame and blame.
4 A person’s words are like deep water, and wisdom is like a flowing stream.
5 It is not right to favor the wicked or to deny justice to the righteous.
6 A foolish person’s words lead to arguments, and their mouth invites punishment.
7 A foolish person’s words cause their ruin, and their lips trap their own life.
8 A gossip’s words hurt like wounds; they reach deep inside a person.
9 The person who is lazy in their work is just like someone who wastes a lot.
10 God’s name is like a strong tower: the good people run to it and are safe.
11 A rich person’s money is like a protective city, and in their mind, it’s like a tall wall.
12 Before ruin, a person’s heart is proud, but before getting honor, there must be humility.
13 If someone replies to a topic without listening first, it is foolish and embarrassing for them.
14 A person’s spirit can endure sickness; but who can live with a broken spirit?
15 A careful person’s heart gains knowledge; a wise person’s ear looks for knowledge.
16 A person’s gift opens the way and brings them to meet important people.
17 Someone who speaks first in his argument appears right, until another comes and examines him.
18 Drawing lots stops fights and decides between powerful people.
19 An upset brother is tougher to win back than a fortified city, and their arguments are as secure as the locks on a fortress.
20 A person will be content with what they say; they will get enough from what they speak.
21 Life and death lie in what we say: those who enjoy talking will face the results.
22 Whoever finds a wife finds something good and gets favor from God.
23 The poor beg kindly, but the rich reply harshly.
24 A person with friends should act friendly, and some friends are more loyal than a brother.