2 Corinthians
Chapter 6

1 We, as partners with God, urge you not to take God’s kindness for nothing.
2 God says, “I have listened to you at the right time, and on the day of rescue, I have helped you. Look, now is the right time; now is the day of rescue.”
3 Not causing trouble in anything, so that no one can criticize our service.
4 We show we are God’s servants in everything by being patient, during troubles, when we need things, and in hard times.
5 Through beatings, jail time, riots, hard work, sleepless nights, and times without food;
6 Through purity, understanding, patience, kindness, the Holy Spirit, and genuine love,
7 By the true message, by God’s power, by the right ways to act on both sides,
8 Through praise and criticism, by bad and good reputation: seen as liars, but truthful.
9 Although unknown, we are well recognized; although we face death, see, we live; although disciplined, we are not put to death.
10 Feeling sad but always happy; being poor but making many rich; owning nothing but having everything.
11 People of Corinth, we speak openly to you; our hearts are full of love for you.
12 You are not limited by us, but you are limited by your own feelings.
13 Now, to repay me in the same way, (I’m speaking to you as my children,) you should also open your hearts to us.
14 Don’t team up with those who don’t believe: what do good and bad have in common? Or what can light share with darkness?
15 What agreement does Christ have with Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?
16 What deal does God’s temple have with idols? You are the living God’s temple. God said, I will live in them and be with them; I will be their God, and they will be my people.
17 So leave them and be different, says God, and do not touch dirty things; then I will accept you.
18 I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says God Almighty.