Chapter 19

1 It is better to be poor and honest than to be a liar and foolish.
2 It’s not good for a person to lack knowledge, and those who hurry with their feet do wrong.
3 A person’s foolishness twists their path, and their heart blames God.
4 Having money brings many friends; but being poor pushes people away.
5 A liar will be punished, and someone who tells lies will not go free.
6 Many will ask a ruler for favors, and everyone is a friend to a person who gives gifts.
7 All the poor person’s brothers dislike him, and even more, his friends stay away from him. He tries to talk to them, but they are not there for him.
8 The person who gains wisdom loves themselves; the one who holds on to understanding will discover what is good.
9 Someone who lies as a witness will not go free, and those who tell lies will be destroyed.
10 Enjoyment doesn’t suit a fool, and it’s even worse when a servant becomes the boss of nobles.
11 A wise person controls their anger; and their honor is to forgive a wrong.
12 A king’s anger is like a lion’s roar; but his kindness is like morning dew on the grass.
13 A foolish son brings trouble to his father; a quarreling wife is like constant dripping.
14 Homes and wealth are gifts from parents, but a wise wife comes from God.
15 Laziness leads to deep sleep; a person who does not work will go hungry.
16 Whoever obeys the command protects their life; but whoever ignores their ways will die.
17 Whoever shows kindness to the poor lends to God; and God will repay what they have given.
18 Discipline your child while there is still hope, and do not give in because of their tears.
19 A person with much anger will face consequences: if you save him, you will have to do it again.
20 Listen to advice and accept teaching so you can be wise in the future.
21 People have many plans in their heart, but God’s advice will last.
22 A person’s kindness makes them desirable, and someone who is poor is better than one who lies.
23 Respecting God leads to life; those who do so will live content and untouched by harm.
24 A lazy person hides their hand in their pocket and won’t even bring it to their mouth.
25 Punish a mocker, and the naive will learn caution; correct a wise person, and they will gain knowledge.
26 Someone who uses up his father’s resources and drives his mother away brings shame and disgrace as a child.
27 Stop listening, my son, to teaching that leads you away from true knowledge.
28 A dishonest witness mocks fairness, and the words of the wicked are greedy for evil.
29 Punishments are ready for mockers, and beatings for the backs of fools.