Chapter 4

1 Then Eliphaz from Teman replied,
2 If we try to talk with you, will you be upset? But who can stop themselves from speaking?
3 Look, you have taught many people, and you have given strength to tired hands.
4 Your words have supported the one who was falling, and you have made weak knees strong.
5 Now it has happened to you, and you are weak; it affects you, and you are upset.
6 Isn’t this what you respect, what you trust, what you hope for, and how right you act?
7 Please remember, who has ever died being innocent? Or when have the good people been destroyed?
8 I have seen that those who do bad things and spread evil will get the same in return.
9 With God’s powerful breath, they are destroyed, and by his breath, they vanish.
10 The lion’s roar, the fierce lion’s voice, and the young lions’ teeth are all broken.
11 The old lion dies because it has no food, and the strong lion’s cubs are spread out far away.
12 Someone secretly told me something, and I heard a bit of it.
13 In thoughts from night visions, when deep sleep falls on people,
14 I felt afraid and shook all over, making my bones tremble.
15 Suddenly, a spirit moved in front of me, and the hair on my body stood up.
16 It stood still, but I couldn’t see its shape clearly: a figure was in front of my eyes, everything was quiet, and I heard a voice speaking.
17 Can a human be more fair than God? Can someone be purer than the one who created him?
18 Look, he doesn’t trust his servants, and he accuses his angels of errors.
19 How much less can those living in clay houses trust in themselves, when their very foundation is dust and they can be destroyed as easily as a moth?
20 They are ruined from dawn to dusk; they vanish forever without anyone caring.
21 Doesn’t their greatness leave them? They die without wisdom.