Chapter 140

1 Save me, God, from the bad person; protect me from the violent one.
2 They plan trouble in their hearts; they always meet to fight.
3 They have made their tongues sharp like a snake’s; snake venom is under their lips. Pause and think about this.
4 God, protect me from the wicked; keep me safe from the violent man who plans to make me fall.
5 The proud have set a trap for me, and ropes; they have laid a net beside the path; they have placed snares for me. Pause and think about that.
6 I said to God, “You are my God; listen to my pleas for help, O God.”
7 God, the source of my rescue, you have protected me during battle.
8 Do not give the wicked what they want, God; do not let their evil plans succeed, so they won’t become proud. Pause.
9 Let the trouble their words cause come back on them.
10 Let hot coals fall on them; let them be thrown into the fire, into deep holes, so they can’t get up again.
11 Don’t let a person who speaks evil be secure on earth: evil will chase the violent man to bring him down.
12 I know that God will support the cause of the suffering and the rights of the poor.
13 Truly, good people will thank your name; honest people will live with you.