Chapter 36

1 The bad person’s wrongdoing tells me deep down that they don’t respect God at all.
2 He praises himself until his wrongdoings are seen as hateful.
3 What he says is wrong and untruthful: he’s stopped being wise and doing good.
4 He plans trouble on his bed; he chooses a path that is not good; he does not hate evil.
5 Your kindness, God, is as high as the heavens; your faithfulness extends to the clouds.
6 Your goodness is as big as the mountains; your decisions are very deep: God, you protect both people and animals.
7 Your love is wonderful, God! That’s why people find safety in the shelter of your wings.
8 They will be fully content with the good things from your house; and you will let them drink from your river of joys.
9 With you is the source of life; by your light, we see light.
10 Keep showing your love to those who know you, and your fairness to those who are true in their hearts.
11 Don’t let proud people attack me, and don’t let the wicked push me away.
12 The evil doers have fallen; they are pushed down and can’t get back up.