2 Thessalonians
Chapter 2

1 We ask you, friends, because of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our meeting with him,
2 Make sure you are not quickly upset or worried, whether by a spirit, something someone says, or a letter seeming to be from us, claiming that the day of Christ is already here.
3 Don’t let anyone trick you in any way: for that day will not come unless there is first a turning away from God, and the sinful man, the doomed son, is shown.
4 He challenges and lifts himself above everything named God or worshiped; so he, as God, sits in God’s temple, acting like he is God.
5 Don’t you remember that when I was still with you, I told you these things?
6 And now you know what is holding back his revelation until the right time.
7 The secret power of wrongdoing is already at work: but he who is holding it back will continue to do so until he is removed.
8 Then the evil one will be shown, whom God will defeat with his word and destroy with the glory of his coming.
9 He will come after Satan, with all power, signs, and false miracles.
10 They will be deceived by evil because they did not love the truth that could save them.
11 For this reason, God will let them be fooled, so they will believe what is false.
12 So that everyone who did not believe the truth, but enjoyed doing wrong, might be judged.
13 We must always thank God for you, brothers loved by God, because God chose you from the start for salvation by making you holy through the Spirit and by your belief in the truth.
14 God called you through our good news to gain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15 So, friends, stand strong and keep the teachings you have learned, whether by speaking or by our letter.
16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ and God, our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope by grace,
17 Encourage your hearts and strengthen you in all good words and actions.