Chapter 5

1 Call now; see if anyone will answer you; to which holy person will you turn?
2 Anger kills the foolish person, and jealousy kills the naive one.
3 I saw the fool grow strong, but quickly I said his home would fail.
4 His children are not safe, they are beaten down at the city entrance, and no one is there to save them.
5 The hungry eat what they harvest and take it from the thorns, while thieves consume their wealth.
6 Trouble doesn’t come from the dust, nor does problem grow from the ground.
7 A person is born to face trouble, just like sparks rise up.
8 I would ask God for help, and to God, I would entrust my problems.
9 God does great things beyond understanding and countless wonders.
10 God gives rain on the earth and sends water to the fields.
11 To lift up those who are down and to raise those who grieve to a place of safety.
12 He ruins the plans of the clever, so they can’t succeed in what they do.
13 God catches the clever in their tricks, and the plans of the deceitful rush to an end.
14 They face darkness during the day and fumble at noon as if it were night.
15 God saves the poor from violence, from being spoken against, and from the power of the strong.
16 So the poor have hope, and wrongdoing is silenced.
17 Look, the person whom God corrects is happy, so do not hate God’s discipline.
18 God causes pain and then heals; He injures, but His hands also heal.
19 God will rescue you from six disasters; even in seven, no harm will come to you.
20 In hunger, God will save you from death, and in battle, from the sword’s force.
21 You will be protected from harmful words, and you won’t fear disaster when it arrives.
22 When disaster and hunger come, you will laugh; you won’t be scared of the earth’s wild animals.
23 You will have an agreement with the stones of the field: and the wild animals will be peaceful with you.
24 You will know that your home will be safe; you will check on your place and will not do wrong.
25 You will also know that your descendants will be many and your children will cover the earth like grass.
26 You will reach old age and die, just like corn is harvested when it’s ready.
27 Look, we have checked this, so it is true; listen to it, and understand it for your benefit.