Chapter 13

1 Keep loving each other like brothers and sisters.
2 Don’t forget to welcome strangers, because by doing this some people have welcomed angels without realizing it.
3 Remember those in prison as if you were there with them, and think of those who are mistreated as if you were suffering too.
4 Marriage is respected by everyone, and the marriage bed should be kept pure. But God will judge those who sell sex and cheat in marriage.
5 Speak without wanting more, and be happy with what you have: because God has promised, I will always be with you and never abandon you.
6 We can say confidently, God helps me, so I will not be afraid of what anyone does to me.
7 Remember your leaders who taught you God’s message; copy their faith, looking at how their lives ended.
8 Jesus Christ is the same in the past, today, and forever.
9 Do not be led away by various and strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by kindness, not by food rules which have not helped those who follow them.
10 We have an altar that those who work in the place of worship have no right to eat from.
11 The bodies of those animals, whose blood the high priest brings into the holy place for sin, are burned outside the camp.
12 So Jesus, to make the people holy with his blood, suffered outside the city gate.
13 Let’s go out to him outside the camp, carrying his shame.
14 We have no lasting city here, but we look for one in the future.
15 So let us always offer to God our praise, which is saying thanks to him with our words.
16 Don’t forget to do good and to share with others: God is very pleased with these kinds of sacrifices.
17 Listen to those who lead you, and follow their guidance; they are responsible for your well-being and must explain their actions, so let them do so happily, not sadly, because that would be bad for you.
18 Pray for us, because we believe we have a clear conscience and want to live right in everything.
19 I urge you to do this so I can return to you more quickly.
20 Now the God of peace, who brought back our Lord Jesus from the dead, the great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the eternal promise,
21 Help you be complete in every good action to do his will, doing in you what pleases him, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
22 And I ask you, friends, to accept these words of encouragement, for I have written a short letter to you.
23 Understand that our brother Timothy has been freed; if he arrives soon, I will visit you with him.
24 Greet all who lead you and all of God’s people. Those in Italy send you greetings.
25 May God’s kindness be with everyone. Amen.