Chapter 4

1 So I, a prisoner for God, ask you to live a life that reflects the calling you have received.
2 With complete humility and gentleness, with patience, tolerating each other in love;
3 Trying to maintain the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
4 There is one body and one spirit, just as you are called to one hope when you were called.
5 One God, one belief, one baptism.
6 There is one God, the Father of everyone, who is over all, works through all, and lives in all of you.
7 Each of us is given kindness by God as much as Christ has decided.
8 So he says, when he went up to the high place, he took prisoners and gave gifts to people.
9 He went up, but before that, he went down to the lower parts of the earth.
10 The one who came down is also the one who went up, way above all the skies, so he could be in everything.
11 He gave some to be apostles, others prophets, others evangelists, and others to be pastors and teachers.
12 To improve God’s people, for serving work, for building up Christ’s group:
13 Until we all reach unity in faith and understanding of God’s Son, becoming mature, achieving the full standard of Christ.
14 We should no longer be like children, pushed around by every new teaching from deceitful people who are experts at tricking others.
15 Tell the truth with love, and grow in every way to become like Christ, who is the leader.
16 The whole body is closely joined and united by every supporting joint, and each part does its work, making the body grow and build itself up with love.
17 I say this and confirm it: from now on, don’t live like the other non-Jews who follow their empty thoughts.
18 Their understanding is clouded, and they are cut off from God’s life because they don’t know any better and their hearts are blind.
19 They no longer feel guilty and have let themselves do indecent things, wanting more and more.
20 You have not learned about Christ in this way;
21 If you have heard Jesus and were taught by him, because truth is in Jesus.
22 Stop living the old way of life, which is ruined by seeking dishonest pleasures.
23 Let your mind’s attitude become fresh and new.
24 Wear your new self, made like God in true goodness and holiness.
25 So stop lying and always tell the truth to each other, because we are all part of the same group.
26 Get angry, but don’t sin. Don’t let the sun set while you are still angry.
27 Do not let the devil have a way in.
28 If someone has been stealing, they should stop. Instead, they should work hard and do good things with their hands, so they can share with others who are in need.
29 Don’t let any bad words come out of your mouth, but only good words that help others become stronger, so that it can bring kindness to those who listen.
30 Do not make God’s Holy Spirit sad, for He has marked you for the day of being saved.
31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, shouting, and mean talk, along with all spitefulness.
32 Be kind to each other, be gentle, and forgive each other, just as God has forgiven you because of Christ.