Chapter 22

1 Having a good reputation is better than having a lot of money, and being liked is better than having silver and gold.
2 Rich and poor people come together; God made all of them.
3 A wise person sees danger and hides, but the naive keep going and suffer for it.
4 By being humble and respecting God come wealth, respect, and life.
5 Thorns and traps are in the path of the stubborn; the one who protects their own soul stays away from them.
6 Teach a child how to live right, and even when old, they won’t stray from it.
7 The rich rule the poor, and the borrower becomes the lender’s servant.
8 The person who does wrong will get useless results; their anger will not succeed.
9 The person with a generous eye will be blessed, because he shares his food with the needy.
10 Remove the mocker, and fighting will end; yes, conflict and insults will stop.
11 Someone who loves a pure heart and speaks kindly will be a friend to the king.
12 God’s eyes protect knowledge and He overthrows the words of the wrongdoer.
13 The lazy person says, “There is a lion outside, I will be killed in the streets.”
14 The words of unfamiliar women are like a deep hole: a man disliked by God will fall into it.
15 A child’s heart holds foolishness; but strict discipline removes it far from them.
16 Whoever mistreats the poor to get more wealth, and gives to the rich, will definitely become poor.
17 Listen closely and hear the wise words, and take my knowledge to heart.
18 It is good if you remember these things in your heart; they will be ready on your lips.
19 I have told you today so you can trust in God, just you.
20 I have written to you excellent things about advice and knowledge.
21 I want you to clearly understand the true words so you can give true answers to those who ask you.
22 Do not steal from the poor because they are poor, and do not make life hard for those who are suffering at the city gate.
23 God will defend their cause and ruin those who have ruined them.
24 Do not be friends with someone who is always angry, and do not go with someone who has a bad temper.
25 So you won’t learn his ways and trap your soul.
26 Don’t be someone who shakes hands in agreement, or who guarantees to pay someone else’s debts.
27 If you have nothing to pay, why should he take your bed from under you?
28 Do not move the old boundary markers set by your ancestors.
29 Do you see a person who works hard in their work? They will be in the presence of rulers; they will not be in the presence of ordinary people.