1 Peter
Chapter 4

1 Since Christ suffered for us in a human body, prepare yourselves with the same attitude: because anyone who has gone through such suffering is done with sin.
2 He should not spend the rest of his life following human desires, but following God’s will.
3 The time we already lived is enough for us doing what non-believers do, when we followed desires, overdrank, partied, and worshipped idols in terrible ways.
4 They find it odd that you don’t join them in their wild ways, and they speak badly of you.
5 Who must explain their actions to God, who is ready to judge the living and the dead.
6 The good news was also told to those who are dead, so they could be judged like living people, but live by God’s ways in the spirit.
7 Everything is about to end, so be clear-minded and stay alert for prayer.
8 Above everything, love each other deeply because love covers many sins.
9 Welcome each other into your homes without complaining.
10 Each person has been given a gift; use it to help each other, as good caretakers of God’s various blessings.
11 If someone speaks, they should speak as if speaking God’s words; if anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in everything God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and power forever and ever. Amen.
12 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the hard test you are facing, as if something unusual is happening to you.
13 Be happy because you share in Christ’s sufferings, so when his glory is shown, you can be very joyful too.
14 If people insult you because of Christ, you are blessed; because the glorious Spirit of God rests on you. They may speak badly of him, but you honor him.
15 Don’t let any of you suffer for being a murderer, a thief, doing bad things, or interfering in other people’s business.
16 If anyone suffers because they are a Christian, they should not feel ashamed; instead, they should praise God for it.
17 The time has come for God’s judgment to start with us, God’s people. And if it starts with us, what will happen to those who don’t follow God’s good news?
18 If it’s hard for the good person to be saved, what will happen to the ungodly and the sinner?
19 So those who suffer because it’s God’s plan should trust God with their lives, as they continue to do good, just like they would trust a reliable maker.