Chapter 24

1 The earth belongs to God, and everything in it; the world, and everyone who lives in it.
2 He founded the earth on the seas and set it firm on the waters.
3 Who will go up to God’s hill? Or who will stand in his sacred place?
4 The person with clean hands and a pure heart, who has not chased after worthless things or lied under oath.
5 He will be blessed by God and given righteousness by the God who saves him.
6 These people seek God; they look for your presence, O Jacob. Pause.
7 Raise your heads, you gates; open up, you ageless doors, so the glorious King can enter.
8 Who is this glorious king? God, strong and powerful, God mighty in war.
9 Raise your heads, you gates; lift up, you ancient doors, so the glorious King can enter.
10 Who is this glorious king? God, the ruler of all, is the glorious king. Pause and think about this.