Chapter 35

1 Additionally, God spoke to me, saying,
2 Human, look toward Mount Seir and speak against it.
3 Tell the mountain, Seir, “God says I am against you, I will reach out my hand against you, and make you very empty.”
4 I will destroy your cities, you will be empty, and you will know that I am God.
5 Because you have always hated them and killed the people of Israel with the sword when they were in trouble, when their wrongdoing ended.
6 So, because I am alive, says God, I will make you face bloodshed, and bloodshed will follow you because you did not hate bloodshed, bloodshed will follow you.
7 I will make Mount Seir very empty and stop anyone from passing through or returning.
8 I will cover his mountains with his dead bodies; dead people will fall on your hills, in your valleys, and in your rivers, killed by the sword.
9 I will cause you to be forever ruined, and your cities will not be rebuilt: then you will understand that I am God.
10 Because you said, “These two nations and countries will be mine, and we will take them,” even though God was there.
11 So, because I am alive, says God, I will act just like you did in your anger and jealousy that came from your hate against them; and I will show who I am to them when I judge you.
12 You will know that I am God, and that I have heard all the insults you said against the mountains of Israel, saying, “They are ruined and handed over to us to take.”
13 You have bragged against me with your mouths and spoken many words against me; I have heard them.
14 God says, when the whole world celebrates, I will leave you empty.
15 Just as you were happy when the land of Israel was empty, I will do the same to you. You will be empty, Mount Seir, and all of Idumea, all of it. Then they will know that I am God.