Chapter 46

1 Bel bends down, Nebo bows, their idols are on the animals and livestock: your carts carry a heavy load; they weigh down the tired animals.
2 They bend low, they kneel down together; they cannot save the heavy load, but they themselves are carried off as prisoners.
3 Listen to me, O family of Jacob, and all the survivors of the family of Israel, who have been supported by me since birth, whom I have carried since you were born.
4 Even when you are old, I am with you; I will support you when your hair turns gray. I created you, and I will take care of you; I will sustain you and save you.
5 Who do you think is like me? Who can you say I am equal to or compare me with?
6 They pour out gold from their bags, weigh silver on scales, pay a goldsmith to make it into a god; then they bow down and worship it.
7 They carry him on the shoulder, they lift him up, and put him in his spot, and he stands; he won’t move from his spot. Even if someone calls to him, he can’t reply or save that person from their problems.
8 Remember this and act like men: think about it again, you who break rules.
9 Think about the past, because I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and no one is like me.
10 Telling the future from the start, and from long ago the things not yet happened, saying, My plan will last, and I will do all I want.
11 God calls a hungry bird from the east, the man who carries out my plans from a distant land: yes, I have said it, and I will make it happen; I have planned it, and I will do it.
12 Listen to me, you strong-minded, who are far from doing right:
13 I am making my righteousness come soon; it won’t be far away, and my help won’t be delayed: I will set rescue in Zion, for Israel who I honor.