1 Corinthians
Chapter 4

1 Think of us as Christ’s servants and as keepers of God’s secrets.
2 It is expected that those who take care of things must be trusted.
3 I care very little if you or anyone else judges me; in fact, I don’t even judge myself.
4 I don’t know of any wrong I’ve done; but that doesn’t make me innocent. The one who judges me is God.
5 So, don’t judge anything too soon, until God comes, who will reveal what’s hidden in darkness and show people’s true intentions. Then, each person will get praise from God.
6 I’ve used myself and Apollos as examples for your benefit, so you can learn from us not to think too highly of people, following what is written, and so that none of you will feel superior to someone else.
7 Who makes you different from others? What do you have that you didn’t get? If you did get it, why do you boast as if you didn’t?
8 Now you are satisfied, now you are wealthy, you have ruled like kings without us: and I wish you did rule, so we could rule with you.
9 I believe that God has placed us apostles last, like those sentenced to death. We’ve become a show for everyone—people, angels, and the world.
10 We are foolish because of Christ, but you are smart in Christ; we are weak, but you are strong; you are respected, but we are looked down on.
11 Right now, we are hungry, thirsty, have no clothes, are treated roughly, and have no sure place to live.
12 We work hard with our hands. When people insult us, we are kind; when we are persecuted, we endure it.
13 We are insulted, but we ask nicely; we are treated like the world’s garbage, like the dirt everyone scrapes off their shoes, right up to this moment.
14 I’m not writing this to embarrass you, but to warn you as my dear children.
15 Even if you had ten thousand teachers in Christ, you don’t have many fathers. In Christ Jesus, I became your father through the good news.
16 So I ask you, please follow my example.
17 I have sent Timothy to you for this reason. He is my dear son and loyal to God. He will remind you of how I live in Christ, as I teach in all the churches.
18 Some are arrogant, thinking I won’t come to you.
19 I will come to you soon, if God wants, and I will see, not how they talk proudly, but their true strength.
20 God’s kingdom is not just in words, but in power.
21 What do you want? Should I come to you with punishment, or with love and a gentle spirit?