Chapter 15

1 Every seven years, you must forgive debts.
2 This is how the release works: Everyone who has lent something to their neighbor must forgive the debt; they must not demand it back from their neighbor or relative, because it is known as God’s time for forgiveness.
3 You can require a foreigner to repay a debt, but you must let your own people go free without repayment.
4 Help those in need until no one is poor among you, because God will bless you greatly in the land God gives you as your own.
5 If you listen carefully to God’s voice and follow all these commands I give you today.
6 God blesses you as he promised, and you will lend to many nations but not borrow; you will rule over many nations, but they won’t rule over you.
7 If there is a poor man from your people in any of your towns in the land God is giving you, do not be hard-hearted or close your hand to your poor brother.
8 You should open your hand generously to him and lend him enough for what he needs.
9 Be careful not to think evil thoughts, like “The seventh year, the year to forgive debts, is near,” and then look badly at your poor brother and give him nothing. If he calls out to God against you, it will be a sin for you.
10 You must definitely give to him, and don’t feel sad when you do because God will bless you in everything you do and in all your efforts.
11 The poor will always be in the land, so I command you to generously help your brother, the poor, and the needy in your land.
12 If your brother, a Hebrew man or woman, is sold to you and works for you for six years, you must set them free in the seventh year.
13 When you set him free, do not send him away with nothing.
14 You should generously provide for him from your flock, your grain, and your winepress. Give to him from the blessings God has given you.
15 Remember you were a slave in Egypt, and God saved you; that’s why I give you this command today.
16 If he tells you, “I will not leave you,” because he loves you and your household and is happy with you;
17 Then you will take a sharp tool and pierce his ear to the door, and he will be your servant forever. Do the same for your female servant.
18 It won’t feel difficult for you when you set him free; for he was as good as two paid workers for you, working six years: and God will bless you in everything you do.
19 You must set apart for God all the firstborn male animals from your herds and flocks. Don’t use the firstborn of your cow for work, and don’t cut the wool of the firstborn of your sheep.
20 You will eat it in front of God every year at the place God will choose, you and your family.
21 If it has any flaws, like being lame or blind or having any other serious defect, do not offer it as a sacrifice to God.
22 You should eat it inside your gates: both people who are unclean and those who are clean can eat it, just like they would eat a gazelle or a deer.
23 You must not eat the blood; you must pour it out on the ground like water.