Chapter 20

1 God spoke to Moses, saying,
2 Tell the Israelites, if anyone, whether they are from Israel or a foreigner living in Israel, gives one of their children to Molech, they must be put to death; the locals must stone them.
3 I will turn against that person, remove him from his people, because he offered his children to Molech, which polluted my sacred place and disrespected my holy name.
4 If the local people ignore someone who offers their child to Molech and do not put him to death:
5 I will oppose that man and his family, and I will exclude him and everyone who follows him to worship Molech, from their community.
6 The person who follows those with spirits or wizards, chasing after them, I will oppose and remove from their community.
7 Make yourselves holy, and be holy, because I am God, your God.
8 Keep my rules and follow them: I am God who makes you holy.
9 Anyone who curses their father or mother must be put to death. They have cursed their father or mother, and they are responsible for their own death.
10 The man who has an affair with another man’s wife, including one who has an affair with his friend’s wife, both the cheating man and woman will be put to death for sure.
11 A man who sleeps with his father’s wife dishonors his father. Both of them must be put to death; they are responsible for their own deaths.
12 If a man sleeps with his daughter-in-law, both must be put to death, because they have caused chaos; they are responsible for their own deaths.
13 If a man sleeps with another man as he does with a woman, both have done something horribly wrong: they must be put to death, and they are responsible for their own deaths.
14 If a man marries both a woman and her mother, it is a terrible act. They all must be burned with fire to remove the evil from among you.
15 If a man has relations with an animal, he must be put to death, and you must kill the animal.
16 If a woman gets close to an animal to mate with it, you must kill both the woman and the animal. They must be put to death, and they are responsible for their own deaths.
17 If a man has sexual relations with his sister, whether she is his father’s daughter or his mother’s daughter, and they see each other naked, it is wrong. They will be punished in front of their people because he has dishonored his sister. He must accept his guilt.
18 If a man sleeps with a woman on her period and sees her nakedness, he has exposed her source of bleeding, and she has shown her blood flow; both will be separated from their community.
19 You must not see your mother’s sister or your father’s sister without clothes; this would reveal a close relative. They must face the consequences of their sin.
20 If a man sleeps with his uncle’s wife, he has disgraced his uncle. They must accept the punishment for their sin; they will have no children.
21 If a man marries his brother’s wife, it is impure; he has dishonored his brother; they will have no children.
22 You must follow all my rules and decisions and obey them, so that the land where I take you to live won’t reject you.
23 Do not follow the ways of the people I am driving out before you, because they did all these things, and I disliked them.
24 I told you, you will take over their land, and I will give it to you to live in—a land full of milk and honey. I am God, your God, who has set you apart from other nations.
25 You must separate clean animals from unclean ones, and unclean birds from clean ones. Do not make yourselves unclean with animals, birds, or anything that crawls on the earth that I have set apart as unclean for you.
26 You should be holy for me because I, God, am holy, and I have set you apart from other people to be mine.
27 Anyone, man or woman, who consults with spirits or is a wizard, must be put to death; they will be stoned, and they are responsible for their own death.