Chapter 4

1 Look, the day is coming, it will burn like a furnace; all the proud and evil-doers will be like dry grass: the coming day will burn them up, God says, leaving them without root or branch.
2 For those of you who respect my name, the Sun of goodness will rise with healing rays; and you will go out and play freely, like young calves let out of their pens.
3 You will walk on the wicked; they will be like dust under your feet on the day I do this, says God.
4 Remember the laws Moses, my servant, gave you, which God told him at Horeb for all Israel, including the rules and decisions.
5 Look, I will send you the prophet Elijah before the great and terrible day of God comes.
6 He will make fathers’ hearts close to their children and children’s hearts close to their fathers, so I won’t come and punish the earth with a curse.