Chapter 50

1 God says, “Where is your mother’s divorce paper that I sent away? Who is the one I sold you to because of my debts? Look, because of your wrongs you sold yourselves, and because of your mistakes your mother was sent away.
2 Why, when I arrived, was no one there? When I called, why did no one respond? Is my power lessened, so that I can’t save? Or do I lack the strength to rescue? Look, at my command I dry up the sea, I turn rivers into deserts; their fish rot because there is no water, and they die of thirst.
3 I make the skies dark, and I cover them with sackcloth.
4 God has given me the tongue of someone who is educated, so I can say the right thing at the right time to those who are tired: he wakes me up every morning, he makes my ear ready to listen like someone who is educated.
5 God has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious, nor did I turn back.
6 I let people beat my back and pull hair from my face without hiding from shame or spit.
7 God will help me, so I won’t be confused. I am determined, and I know I won’t be ashamed.
8 God who declares me right is close; who will argue with me? Let’s face each other: who is against me? Let them approach me.
9 Look, God will help me; who can declare me guilty? See, they will all wear out like clothes; moths will consume them.
10 Who among you respects God, listens to his servant, walks in darkness without light? Let him trust in God’s name and rely on his God.
11 Look, all who start a fire and surround yourselves with sparks: go ahead and walk in the light of your fire and the sparks you’ve made. This is what you’ll get from me; you will lay down in sadness.