Chapter 105

1 Give thanks to God; call on his name; tell people about what he has done.
2 Sing to him, sing songs to him; talk about all his amazing works.
3 Be proud of his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek God be happy.
4 Look for God and his power; always try to see him.
5 Remember the amazing things God has done, his miracles, and the decisions he has spoken.
6 Descendants of Abraham, his servant, and children of Jacob, his chosen one.
7 He is our God; His decisions are everywhere on earth.
8 God has always remembered his promise, the command he gave for thousands of generations.
9 God made this promise to Abraham and swore an oath to Isaac.
10 God made it a law for Jacob and an eternal covenant for Israel.
11 I will give you the land of Canaan, your inheritance.
12 They were only a few people, very few, and foreigners there.
13 As they moved from one nation to another and from one kingdom to a different group of people;
14 God did not let anyone harm them; indeed, he corrected kings because of them.
15 God says, “Do not hurt the people I have chosen, and do not harm my messengers.”
16 He caused a famine in the land; he broke the support of bread.
17 God sent a man ahead of them, named Joseph, who was sold as a servant.
18 They hurt his feet with chains; he was put in irons.
19 Until the time that his word came true, God’s promise tested him.
20 The king sent for him and set him free; the leader of the people released him.
21 He made him the master of his home and the leader of all he owned.
22 To tie up his leaders as he wishes; and to give his wise men knowledge.
23 Israel went to Egypt; Jacob stayed in Ham’s land.
24 He made his people grow in number greatly; and made them stronger than their enemies.
25 He made them hate his people and treat his servants with deceit.
26 God sent Moses, his servant, and Aaron, whom he chose.
27 They showed his miracles to them, and amazing things in Ham’s land.
28 God sent darkness and it became dark, but they did not rebel against his word.
29 He turned their water into blood and killed their fish.
30 Their land had many frogs, even in their kings’ rooms.
31 He spoke, and different types of flies and lice appeared throughout their lands.
32 He sent them ice instead of rain, and fire that burned in their land.
33 He struck down their grapevines and fig trees, and broke the trees in their territory.
34 He spoke, and locusts and caterpillars came in endless numbers.
35 They ate all the plants in the land and consumed the crops from their soil.
36 He also struck down every firstborn in their land, the most powerful of all.
37 He also led them out with silver and gold, and all of them were strong and healthy.
38 Egypt was happy when they left because they were afraid of them.
39 He put a cloud as a cover and a fire to shine at night.
40 The people requested, and he provided birds, and filled them with food from heaven.
41 God opened the rock, and water rushed out; it flowed in the dry areas like a river.
42 God remembered his sacred promise to his servant Abraham.
43 He led his people out with joy, and his chosen ones with happiness.
44 God gave them the lands of the nations, and they received the work of the peoples.
45 So they could follow his rules and obey his laws. Praise God.