Chapter 6

1 People of Benjamin, come together to escape from Jerusalem. Sound the horn in Tekoa, and light a beacon in Bethhaccerem. Danger is coming from the north, bringing huge ruin.
2 I have compared Zion’s daughter to a lovely and gentle woman.
3 Shepherds and their flocks will come to her; they will set up their tents all around; they will each feed in their own area.
4 Get ready for war against her; stand up, let’s attack at noon. Trouble for us! The day is fading, and the evening shadows are getting long.
5 Get up, and we’ll go at night to destroy her grand houses.
6 God has said, “Cut down trees and build a siege ramp against Jerusalem. This is the city that must be punished; there is nothing but oppression within her.”
7 Like a spring spouts water, she spouts her evil: violence and robbery are heard within her; pain and injury are always before me.
8 Learn your lesson, Jerusalem, or I will turn away from you; I will make you empty, a place with no people.
9 God says, “They will completely pick the remaining people of Israel like a vine: put your hand back like a grape picker into the baskets.”
10 Who should I talk to and warn so they will listen? Look, they don’t want to hear and can’t understand. God’s message is offensive to them; they find no joy in it.
11 So I am filled with God’s anger, I can’t hold it in: I will release it on the kids outside, and on groups of young men: because the husband and wife will be caught, as well as the old person with the very old.
12 Their homes, lands, and wives will be given to others, because I will raise my hand against the people of this land, says God.
13 From the least to the greatest, everyone is greedy; from the prophet to the priest, everyone lies.
14 They have lightly healed my people’s wound, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace.
15 Did they feel shame when they did something very wrong? No, they did not feel any shame, and they could not even blush. So they will fall like others who fall. When I punish them, they will be brought down, says God.
16 God says, “Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it. Then you will find peace for yourselves.” But they said, “We won’t walk in it.”
17 I also placed guards over you, saying, “Listen to the trumpet.” But they said, “We will not listen.”
18 Listen, nations, and understand, community, what is happening among them.
19 Listen, Earth: I will bring trouble on these people, the result of their thinking, because they did not listen to my words or my law, but rejected it.
20 Why do you bring me incense from Sheba and sweet cane from distant lands? Your burnt offerings are not acceptable, and your sacrifices do not please me.
21 So God says, “Look, I will put obstacles in front of these people. Both fathers and sons will trip over them, and neighbors and friends will be destroyed.”
22 God says, “Look, a people is coming from the north land, and a great nation will arise from the far parts of the earth.”
23 They will grab bows and spears; they are harsh and show no kindness; their voices are loud like the ocean; they ride on horses, lined up ready to fight you, daughter of Zion.
24 We have heard of its fame; our hands grow weak; distress grips us, and pain like that of a woman giving birth.
25 Do not go into the field or walk on the road; the enemy’s sword and fear are all around.
26 My people’s daughter, put on rough clothing and roll in the ashes. Cry bitterly as if for an only child, because the destroyer will soon come upon us.
27 I have made you a tower and stronghold among my people so that you can understand and test their ways.
28 They all rebel greatly, spreading lies; they are like brass and iron; they all corrupt.
29 The blowers are scorched, the lead is melted by the fire; the metalworker tries in vain to purify, because the evil are not removed.
30 People will call them worthless silver because God has rejected them.