Chapter 2

1 God says, “Because Moab sinned three times, even four, I will not cancel their punishment. They burned the bones of Edom’s king to ashes.”
2 I will send fire to Moab, and it will burn the palaces of Kirioth. Moab will die amid noise, shouts, and trumpet blasts.
3 I will remove the judge from the middle and kill all the leaders with him, says God.
4 God says this: Because Judah has sinned three times, even four, I won’t stop their punishment. They rejected God’s law and did not follow His rules. Their lies led them astray, like their ancestors before them.
5 I will send fire to Judah, and it will burn down the palaces of Jerusalem.
6 God says: Because Israel has sinned three and even four times, I won’t stop their punishment. They traded innocent people for money and the needy for sandals.
7 They chase after worthless things instead of helping the poor and twist the paths of the humble. Both a man and his father misuse the same girl, dishonoring my sacred name.
8 They lie down on clothes taken as pledges near every altar, and they drink wine taken as fines in the temple of their god.
9 But I destroyed the Amorite before them, who was as tall as cedar trees and as strong as oaks; I destroyed their fruit from above and their roots from below.
10 I also took you out of Egypt and guided you for 40 years in the desert to take over the land of the Amorites.
11 I chose some of your sons to be prophets and some of your young men to be Nazarites. Isn’t it true, people of Israel? says God.
12 But you gave the Nazarites wine to drink and told the prophets not to speak God’s words.
13 Look, I am weighed down by you, like a cart is weighed down when it is full of grain bundles.
14 So the fast will not escape, the strong will not use their strength, and the brave will not save themselves.
15 The person using the bow won’t be able to stand; the fast runner won’t save themselves; and the horse rider won’t escape.
16 The brave one among the warriors will run away without clothes on that day, says God.