Chapter 6

1 Come, let’s go back to God; He has hurt us, but He will heal us; He has struck us, but He will fix our wounds.
2 In two days, God will restore us to life; on the third day, he will lift us up, so we can live before him.
3 Then we will understand if we keep trying to know God. His arrival is certain like the dawn, and He will come to us like the rain, like the late and early rains that water the earth.
4 Ephraim, what should I do with you? Judah, what should I do with you? Your goodness disappears like the morning clouds and the early dew.
5 So I have taught them through the prophets; I have struck them down with my words; and your decisions shine like the dawn.
6 I wanted kindness, not offerings; and understanding God above burnt sacrifices.
7 They, like humans, have broken the agreement; they have betrayed me there.
8 Gilead is a city of wrongdoers, covered with blood.
9 Like bands of thieves hiding to attack, a group of priests kill on the path, agreeing together, because they do shameful things.
10 I have seen a terrible thing in Israel’s house: Ephraim has acted shamefully, and Israel is unclean.
11 Also, Judah, God has prepared a harvest for you when I bring back my people from captivity.