2 Corinthians
Chapter 9

1 Regarding helping God’s people, it’s unnecessary for me to write to you about it.
2 I know how eager you are, and I have been bragging about you to the Macedonians, telling them that Achaia has been ready since last year; and your enthusiasm has inspired many others.
3 I sent the friends to make sure our praise of you wasn’t empty, so you would be prepared as I told you.
4 We don’t want to be embarrassed if some Macedonians come with me and see that you’re not ready, after I’ve been so sure of you.
5 I felt it was important to encourage our friends to visit you first and arrange the generous gift you had promised so it will be ready as a willing gift, not as something forced.
6 I say this: a person who plants a little will harvest a little, and a person who plants a lot will harvest a lot.
7 Each person should give what they have decided in their heart to give. They should not give with regret or because they feel forced. God loves someone who gives happily.
8 God can give you plenty of grace so that you always have enough for yourselves and can give plenty to every good cause.
9 It is written, “He has shared widely; he has given to the poor: his goodness lasts forever.”
10 The one who provides seeds for the farmer also gives you bread to eat, will make your planted seeds grow, and will make your good deeds produce more.
11 Becoming rich in every way to give generously, leading us to thank God.
12 This service not only meets the needs of God’s people, but also overflows with many thanks to God.
13 Through this service, they praise God because you follow Christ’s teaching and because you freely share with them and everyone else.
14 They pray for you and deeply care because of the great grace God has given you.
15 Thank God for his amazing gift.