1 Thessalonians
Chapter 2

1 You know, friends, that our visit to you was not a waste.
2 Even though we had already suffered and were badly treated in Philippi, as you know, we were brave in our faith to tell you God’s good news, despite strong opposition.
3 Our encouragement did not come from lies, impurity, or trickery.
4 God trusted us with the good news, so we speak to please not people, but God who tests our hearts.
5 We never used flattery or were greedy, and you know it; God saw it all.
6 We did not seek praise from people, not from you or anyone else, even though we could have made demands as Christ’s apostles.
7 We were kind to you, just like a nurse who takes care of her children.
8 We really wanted to share with you, not only God’s message, but also our own lives because you were so important to us.
9 Brothers and sisters, you remember our hard work and struggle: because we worked day and night and didn’t want to be a burden to any of you, we shared with you God’s message.
10 You are witnesses, and God too, how we acted holy, justly, and without blame among you who believe.
11 You know how we encouraged, comforted, and urged each of you, like a father does his children.
12 You should live in a way that honors God, who invites you to His kingdom and splendor.
13 We always thank God because when you accepted the message you heard from us, you didn’t think of it as human words but as God’s truth, which also powerfully works in those who believe.
14 You, brothers and sisters, followed the example of God’s churches in Judea that are in Christ Jesus: you also suffered from your own people, just as they did from the Jews.
15 They killed both Jesus and their own prophets and have persecuted us; they do not please God and oppose everyone.
16 Stopping us from talking to the non-Jews so they can be saved, to make their sins fully complete: because God’s anger has fully come upon them.
17 We, brothers, were separated from you for a little while in person, not in spirit, and tried very hard to see you because we really wanted to.
18 We wanted to come to you, I, Paul, tried more than once; but Satan stopped us.
19 What is our hope, joy, or reason to be proud? Aren’t you with our Lord Jesus Christ when he comes?
20 You are our pride and happiness.