Chapter 107

1 Give thanks to God, because He is good; His love lasts forever.
2 Let those saved by God say so, whom he has saved from the enemy’s power.
3 God brought them together from the east, west, north, and south.
4 They roamed the desert on a lonely path and found no city to live in.
5 They were hungry and thirsty, and they felt weak deep inside.
6 They called out to God in their trouble, and he rescued them from their distress.
7 He guided them on the right path so they could reach a city to live in.
8 I wish people would thank God for his kindness and for the amazing things he does for humans!
9 God satisfies the longing person and fills the hungry person with good things.
10 Those who sit in darkness and near death, trapped in suffering and chains;
11 They disobeyed God’s words and scorned the advice of the Most High.
12 So God made them weak with hard work; they stumbled, and no one was there to help them.
13 They called out to God in their trouble, and he rescued them from their problems.
14 He led them from darkness and the shadow of death, and broke their chains apart.
15 I wish people would thank God for his kindness and his amazing deeds for humanity!
16 He has smashed the bronze gates and cut through the iron bars.
17 Fools suffer because they rebel and do wrong.
18 Their soul hates all kinds of food; and they are close to dying.
19 Then they call to God in their trouble, and he saves them from their distresses.
20 He sent his message, healed them, and saved them from their troubles.
21 I wish people would thank God for His kindness and for His amazing deeds to humans!
22 Let them offer thanksgiving sacrifices and joyfully talk about what God has done.
23 Those who sail on the sea in ships, doing work on the vast waters;
24 They see God’s deeds and his amazing works in the ocean.
25 He commands, and a stormy wind rises, lifting the waves.
26 They rise up to the sky, they sink down to the deep: their spirit is overwhelmed by distress.
27 They sway back and forth, and stumble like a drunk person, and don’t know what to do.
28 Then they call out to God in their trouble, and he saves them from their distresses.
29 He turns the storm into a calm so that the waves become still.
30 Then they are happy because they are calm; so he takes them to the place they wanted to reach.
31 I wish people would thank God for his kindness and his amazing deeds for all people!
32 Let them praise God among the people, and honor him in the gathering of the elders.
33 He turns rivers into deserts and springs of water into dry land.
34 A productive land becomes empty because of the evil of those who live there.
35 He turns the desert into pools of water and parched land into springs.
36 There he lets the hungry live, so they can build a city to live in.
37 Plant the fields and grow vineyards to produce a harvest of fruit.
38 He blesses them, and they increase a lot; he does not let their animals become fewer.
39 They are reduced and weakened by hardship, trouble, and sadness.
40 He shows disrespect to rulers and makes them walk in the desert, where there are no paths.
41 God lifts the poor from trouble and gives them many children like a herd of sheep.
42 Good people will see it and be happy, while all wrongdoers will be silent.
43 Anyone who is wise and pays attention to these things will understand God’s kindness.